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Health and Wellness

Eaton Community Schools is dedicated to the health, wellness and safety of our students, staff, and community.  In partnership with the Preble County General Health District, we are continually monitoring local, state, national, and world wide health concerns. 



Health Clinics

Contact Information:

Katria Turner

District School Nurse/High School Clinic Nurse


Sherry Hood

Middle School Clinic Nurse


Heather Broomhall

William Bruce Elementary Clinic Nurse


Kay Donahue

Hollingsworth East Elementary Clinic Nurse




Immunization Requirements


7th Grade Immunization Requirements: Ohio law requires all students entering the 7th grade to receive 1 dose of TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) and 1 dose of MCV4 (Meningococcal A, C, W and Y). A current immunization record, including TDaP and MCV4, must be submitted to the Middle School Clinic Nurse 


12th Grade Immunization Requirements: Ohio law requires all students entering the 12th grade to receive the 2nd dose of MCV4 (Meningococcal A, C, W, and Y). A current immunization record, including the 2nd dose of MCV4, must be submitted to the High School Clinic Nurse. 


Immunization Exemptions: If your child is not up to date on their immunizations because of a medical, philosophical, or religious exemption, a new exemption form should be completed each school year and submitted to the clinic. The exemption form is available here: Immunization Exemption Form




Vision & Hearing: If your child has had a vision and/or hearing evaluation completed within the last year, please submit a copy of the results to the student’s clinic nurse. If we have this on file, your child will not need to be screened during the school year. 


Medication Administration: A new Medication Authorization Form must be completed every school year for your child to receive medications at school. This includes over-the-counter medication and prescription medications. The form can be found here: Medication Authorization Form






Kindergarten Physical Form


24-25 SY Immunization Summary


Form K: Pediatric Vision Screening Reporting Form


Form H: Screening Results Documentation Form


Immunization Exemption Form


Medication Authorization Form


Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan 


Asthma Care Plan and Authorization


Diabetes Management Care Plan 


Seizure Care Plan and Medication Authorization 


Insect Bite/Sting  Care Plan and Medication Authorization


Food Allergies Care Plan and Medication  Authorization