If you or your child is unsafe, please use the crisis resources for help. If you and your child need on-going support and services, please use the on-going support resources. Please be mindful that providers will deal with crises of self-harm or significant and impending harm to others immediately, but providers may delay an intake for on-going support dependent upon their system’s availability and resources to provide services via electronic means. In addition to the supports listed below, a list of state and national supports may be found by CLICKING HERE.
Provider | Contact Information |
24 Hour Crisis Text Line | Text 4hope to 741741 |
National Suicide Prevention Hotline | 1-800-273-8255 |
COVID CareLine |
1-800-720-9616 |
Youth Crisis Hotline | 1-800-442-4673 |
Dayton Children's Medical Center |
South Community |
24 hours/day 7 days/week: Business Hours:
Samaritan Behavioral Health Hotline and Crisis Services |
24 hours/day 7 days/week: Business Hours:
Preble County Mental Health & Recovery |
24 hours/day 7 days/week: Business Hours:
Butler Behavioral Health |
Eaton Community Schools Success Liaison |
Heather Ludy, Liaison, Grades 6-12 Allie Shafer, Liaison, Grades K-5 |
Provider | Contact Information |
South Community |
Carrie Cook (School Program Manager)
Gebhart Counseling Solutions |
204 N. Barron St.
Stamper-Moore Counseling |
7 N. Main St.
Kathy Judy |
121 N. Barron St.
Samaritan Behavioral Health |
2172A N. Barron St.
Eaton Community Schools Success Liaisons |
Heather Ludy, Liaison, Grades 6-12 Allie Shafer, Liaison, Grades K-5 |
Building | Counselor | |
East Elementary | Stacy Haeseker | shaeseker@eaton.k12.oh.us |
Bruce Elementary | Brittany Kerns | bkerns@eaton.k12.oh.us |
Middle School | Susan Sayers | ssayers@eaton.k12.oh.us |
High School | Tori Combs | Tori Combs@eaton.k12.oh.us |
High School | MeLeah Perry | mperry@eaton.k12.oh.us |