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Student Transportation Expectations

The Transportation Department of Eaton Community Schools is governed by the district’s policies, Ohio Department of Education, and Ohio State Highway Patrol. Our first priority is to safely transport students. Please read and follow all rules for the safety of all students.

Please follow the chain of command when trying to address problems, concerns and questions that may arise.

1st step – Bus Driver and/or Director of Operations
2nd step – Principal
3rd step – Superintendent
4th step – Board of Education


General Information/Procedures:

1. The Ohio Administrative Code states that students should be at the bus stop FIVE (5) MINUTES before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Students missing the bus at their designated stop are not permitted to board at another stop.

2. Students will be sent home in the designated manner, unless parents/guardians contact the school office. Other relatives, neighbors, and friends are not authorized to change a student’s transportation.

3. Students are to wait at the designated place of safety until the bus driver has stopped the bus, opened the door and given the appropriate hand signal before students approach the bus. Also, when exiting the bus, students must go to and wait at the designated place of safety to wait for the driver to give the appropriate hand signal for students to cross the street in front of the bus or [72] proceed on to their home. This allows the driver to keep a visual contact with students as he/she drives away from the bus stop. 


Safe Bus Boarding, Riding and Exiting Rules:

1. Passengers are under the authority of the bus driver while boarding, riding and exiting the bus.
2. Students are required to follow all procedures regarding their designated place of safety.
3. Students must go directly to their assigned seat so the bus may safely resume motion.
4. Students must remain properly seated keeping aisles and exits clear.
5. Students must observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
6. Swearing, teasing and verbal abuse are prohibited. Respect other people and their property.
7. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not permitted on the bus except as required for medical reasons.
8. Students may not use or possess tobacco, alcohol, or drugs on the bus or at the bus stop.
9. Students may not throw or pass any objects inside or outside of the bus.
10. Students may carry on the bus only objects that can be held on their lap and kept secured.
11. No part of the body (arms, head, legs, etc.) or objects should be placed or thrown out the windows.
12. Bullying, fighting, and other aggressive behaviors are prohibited.
13. Firearms, weapons, explosives, or other dangerous materials are prohibited on school buses. Animals are also prohibited, with the exception of those intended for special needs assistance. Glass and balloons are also prohibited on school buses.
14. The use of any electronic device that prohibits communication with a student, distracts or interferes with the safe operation of the bus is prohibited.
15. Any act of vandalism, marking, or destroying any part of a bus is prohibited.
16. Silence at railroad crossings is mandatory.
17. The Student Code of Conduct and other school rules shall apply at all times.


Safety is important when riding or driving a school bus. If a student’s behavior becomes a problem by not following the above rules, riding privileges may be revoked. Students should report any problems they are having on the bus to the driver.