Preble County YMCA
From the North (Greenville area):
Follow US 127 S. into Eaton. At the first stop light in Eaton, turn right onto Washington Jackson Rd. The YMCA will be on your right.
From the Northeast (Brookville area):
Follow I-70 W toward Indianapolis. Take Exit-10 (Eaton/Greenville) and turn left onto US 127. At the first stop light in Eaton, turn right onto Washington Jackson Rd. The YMCA will be on your right.
From the East (Dayton area):
Follow US-35 W toward Eaton. At Drexel, turn left onto W. Third St./US-35 Continue to follow US-35 into Eaton. Turn right onto Barron St. (US 127). At the fifth traffic light, turn left onto Washington Jackson Rd. The YMCA will be on your right.
From the Southeast (Middletown area):
Follow SR-122 into Eaton. Turn left onto Main St. (US-35), then turn right onto Barron St. (US 127). At the fifth traffic light, turn left onto Washington Jackson Rd. The YMCA will be on your right.
From the South (Hamilton area):
Follow US 127N into Eaton. At the eighth traffic light, turn left onto Washington Jackson Rd. The YMCA will be on your right.